Male or Female Chiropractor

Male or Female Chiropractor

Is a male or female chiropractor better suited for you?

There are a few factors that must be considered when opting for a chiropractor. Three questions we always recommend our patient’s give a little though to before deciding:

  • Will this practitioner be empathetic and understanding of your specific needs/wants and goals?
  • Are there any cultural factors at play that will impact your decision?
  • Will they be strong enough to manipulate you spine?

Q1. Will this practitioner be empathetic and understanding?

Our practice values empathy and both our male and female chiropractors have a clear understanding of what each patient wants and needs to achieve. Our practitioners take the time to listen to your concerns and will explain all the steps required as well as tailor a personalised treatment plan to suit your needs. If our practitioners cannot help you, they will do all they can to find the right practitioner for you who will aid in your road to recovery.

My Sports Chiropractors

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Q2. Are there any cultural factors at play?

Certain cultures have their own customs and traditions which dictate which practitioner they are able to visit.

At My Sports Chiropractor, we acknowledge this and have both male and female chiropractors available to cater for your needs.

female chiropractor near me

Q3. Will a female chiropractor be strong enough to manipulate my spine?

Yes! All our practitioners have undergone 5 years of extensive education and training. To add to this, all our therapists undertake resistance based physical activity on a regular basis. Typically, treatments at My Sports Chiropractor would also involve:

  • Massaging tight muscles around the injured body part.
  • Dry needling for any muscles needing relaxation.
  • Joint mobilizations and spinal adjustments
  • Exercises to aid in promoting movement and returning you to your best!

Chiropractic adjustments are not performed simply using force. They require technique at a high speed, at the right angle in order to a joint to be adequately manipulated and moved safely. Therefore, whether its a strong male or tiny female chiropractor, you’ll be in good hands and your spine will move safely and gently.

female chiropractor near me

So ask yourself:

Now that you have more information regarding chiropractic care, we hope this helps make your decision easier as to who to select for your next appointment. So google for the best male or best female chiropractor near me, and we’ll be right here ready to help you. We service surrounding suburbs of Kingsgrove including Beverly Hills, Earlwood, Penshurst, Peakhurst, Belmore and Hurstville.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via phone or email with any questions. No one wants to be in constant pain. Better health is only a call away.

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