
Do you feel stiff and sore after a day at your desk?

Do you get stiff and sore while working your desk job? It might be time to check your workplace ergonomics! Workstation ergonomics are super important and if poorly done, can have a huge impact on your whole body. In this blog post, I will give...

Injured at work? Here’s what to do

Have you been injured at work? It can be scary, but this blog is to help guide you what to do! Workplace injuries occur quite often and can have a significant impact on your life, in addition to the physical discomfort and pain there can be a l...

Types of headaches

Are there different types of headaches? Yes! Headaches sufferers know that it can be extremely debilitating, and detrimental to their quality of life. As a migraine headache sufferer myself, it can be super annoying knowing that one small trig...

Carpal tunnel syndrome?

You’re probably wondering, “Do I have it?”, or “why do they call it a tunnel?” Carpal tunnel refers to the bones and ligament within your wrist which form the shape of a tunnel. Within the tunnel are nerves, arteries, and veins that supply the...

What is Sciatica? Will I recover?

We hear the term being thrown around quite often, but what does it really mean to have sciatica? I first heard about sciatica when I started going to the gym. As a newbie to the gym, I wanted to be able to compete with the best. A combination of ...

Woke up with a stiff neck? Is it torticollis?

Hi guys! I wanted to share with you my recent episode of neck pain. It all started yesterday morning when I woke up with a stiff neck! I couldn't turn it! It was sharp and very painful. All I kept wondering was, "is this just a stiff nec...

Can I see a chiropractor during my pregnancy?

Hi! I'm back again to add to my previous blog post, five stretches for pregnancy. As discussed in my last blog, your body undergoes many changes that can put pressure on the pelvis and spine. Your center of gravity shifts forward, increa...

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